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Happy New Year!

January 21, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

We are well into January with February right around the corner. I hope you all had a great holiday season and that your new year is off to a fantastic start! I wanted to let you know about SFWA's January show, Discover. It is a fabulous show with 60 pieces curated by Anne Herbst and it runs through February 2nd. My piece, "Mindscape" was juried in. This is a reflection image that I took at Bodie State Historic Park, one of the best preserved ghost towns in the United States. 

Gold was discovered at Bodie in 1859, and by the 1870s it boasted three breweries and dozens of saloons and dance halls. There was more gambling, drinking, and shooting than any other mining camp. Those lawless days come alive as you wander through Bodie's deserted buildings. Bodie is considered to be the best, and most well-preserved, historic ghost town in the country so if you ever get the chance to see it, do! You won't be disappointed.

To see more images from Bodie, check out my Bodie and Mono Lake gallery.

Mindscape - Reflections of the PastMindscape - Reflections of the Past

Happy Holidays!

December 10, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Hope December is going well for you and you are managing the holiday craziness. I've been busy getting photos ready for two shows this month. This weekend was the Art Guild of Pacifica's Winter Art Faire at Sanchez Art Center in Pacifica.  It ran from Friday 5pm to 9pm, Saturday, 10am to 5pm and Sunday 1pm to 5pm. It was a great event with lots of art and crafts for sale. All of the artwork for sale in the artist salon show was under 24" long and was priced to sell for Christmas. I had 12 images for sale, some on metal, some hand printed black and whites and some digital images. Here are a few below:

This past Thursday was the opening of the Small Presence Show at San Francisco Women's Artist Gallery. The theme of this show was artwork under 14" inches long. It was nice to see only small pieces fill the gallery. I had two pieces that were juried into this show. They were both Polaroid Emulsion Transfers. If you are not familiar with this process, it is taking a polaroid image and heating it up to a certain time and temperature. This causes the top emulsion layer to separate from the paper part of the photo and turn gel-like. Then you are able to removed the emulsion layer and place it on another surface, such as watercolor paper, like I have done on the images below. It is really a fun process.

Small Presence show at SFWA runs through January 6th. Stop by if you are in SF and check it out. The address is 647 Irving St.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my artwork. Have a great holiday season!

November Show at SFWA

November 06, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Happy November Everyone! The holiday season is upon us and another year has flown by.  This month, I've been juried into the San Francisco Women Artists Reflections Show.

Reflections are my favorite thing to photograph so choosing only a few images to enter was difficult. But two of my favorites made it in and one is even receiving a Juror's Choice Award!  "Sunlight Lilies No. 1" which was actually taken in a cemetery in Brooklyn NY on a hot July day. Probably not where you would expect this image to come from. 

And then "Spiritual Reflection" which is a digital montage of my image "Concrete Dream" that was taken in Kauai. I just duplicated the image, did a little flipping around and then I saw the most amazing thing in the middle of my image....and voila! Spiritual Reflection was born. I hope you like them!

Sunlight Lilies No. 1Sunlight Lilies No. 1 Spiritual ReflectionSpiritual ReflectionThis is a limited edition print

Loving Golden Gate Park Show

October 04, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I can't believe I haven't posted to my blog since February 2016! I mean, here we are in October 2017! I have been busy participating in many shows over the last year and a half but unfortunately none made it to my blog. :(

But I promise to update my blog with each show that I am in moving forward. With that being said, tomorrow, October 5th, is the opening reception for SFWA's Loving Golden Gate Park Show. The reception is from 530 to 8pm at 647 Irving St., San Francisco. There will be many fabulous art pieces on Golden Gate Park. My image, Golden Gate Zen that you see below was chosen for this show's postcard. I will be at the reception and would love to see you there! If you can't make it tomorrow though, the show runs through November 4th.


March 2016 Show

February 15, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

March is Women's History Month. The San Francisco Women Artists Gallery annually celebrates by holding their "La Femme" show. This year the juror is Priscilla Ontani, a partner of ARC Gallery in SF. She chose 60 pieces out of the 134 that were entered. I had two pieces juried into the show. Both of my photos are older and were shot on film. Oh, how I miss the film days! Nothing was more exciting than watching my image come to life in the developer! 

The first one is "Got Cancer" which I took at the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade back in the late 90's. I feel that is a very powerful photo of a brave woman.

Got Cancer?Got Cancer?This image received an Honorable Mention in the 19th Annual Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Women Photographers in 2022 and 3rd place in The Beyond Cancer Art Project at the Pacific Art League in Palo Alto, CA, 2007.

This is a limited edition print.

The second photo that was juried in is called "Moroccan Women". I shot this in 2002, while I was on a day trip in Morocco. I was vacationing in Spain at the time. The Moroccan people were not very open to having their photograph taken, as you can probably tell from the one women's facial expression.

Moroccan WomenMoroccan Women.

The reception will be held on Wednesday, March 9th from 5:30 to 8:00 pm at the SFWA Gallery at 647 Irving St and 8th Ave.

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